
1. 定义:


2. 意义:


3. 步骤:



1. The word "pensive" can be illustrated by drawing a person looking out of a window with a thoughtful expression.(单词“pensive”可以通过画一个神情思索的人望着窗外来进行说明。)

2. The word "eclectic" can be illustrated by drawing a collage of pictures that represent a variety of different styles and tastes.(单词“eclectic”可以通过画一幅代表不同风格和品味的图片拼贴来进行说明。)

3. The word "gargantuan" can be illustrated by drawing an enormous monster with a wide-open mouth.(单词“gargantuan”可以通过画一个张开大口的巨大怪物来进行说明。)

4. The word "luminous" can be illustrated by drawing a bright star or a glowing lightbulb.(单词“luminous”可以通过画一颗明亮的星星或一个发光的灯泡来进行说明。)

5. The word "elusive" can be illustrated by drawing an animal that is difficult to capture or a ghost that is hard to see.(单词“elusive”可以通过画一个难以抓捕的动物或一个难以看见的幽灵来进行说明。)

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