错过先生的英语翻译 错过先生用英语怎么说

1. The Missed Gentleman

例句:我非常后悔错过了这位先生的演讲。(I deeply regret missing the speech of the Missed Gentleman.)

2. The Gentleman I Missed

例句:我本应该去参加那个晚会,可惜错过了我错过的那位先生。(I should have gone to the party, but I missed the Gentleman I Missed.)

3. The Gentleman I Didn't Meet


4. The One That Got Away

例句:我在火车站见到过我错过的那位先生,没能留下他的联系方式。(I saw The One That Got Away at the train station, but I didn't get his contact information.)

5. The Missed Encounter

例句:我在机场看到了我错过的那位先生,但他已经走远了。(I saw The Missed Encounter at the airport, but he was already gone.)

6. The Gentleman I Missed Out On

例句:我打算和我错过的那位先生一起去旅游,但最终没能如愿。(I planned a trip with The Gentleman I Missed Out On, but it didn't work out.)

7. The Lost Opportunity

例句:我错过了一次与我错过的那位先生共同工作的机会。(I missed a chance to work with The Lost Opportunity.)

8. The One Who Passed Me By

例句:我知道我错过的那位先生曾经经过我身边,太害羞了没能主动搭讪。(I know The One Who Passed Me By walked past me, but I was too shy to approach.)

9. The One That Slipped Away

例句:我错过了一次与我错过的那位先生共进晚餐的机会。(I missed a chance to have dinner with The One That Slipped Away.)

10. The One I Let Get Away

例句:我很后悔错过了我心目中的那位先生。(I regret letting The One I Let Get Away slip away.)

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