
1. 价格的表达方式:


1) How much does this dress cost?(这条裙子多少钱?)

2) What's the price of this skirt? (这条裙子的价格是多少?)

3) Could you tell me the cost of this outfit? (你能告诉我这套装的价格吗?)

2. 数字和货币的表达方式:


1) This dress is $50.(这条裙子的价格是50美元。)

2) It costs £30.(它的价格是30英镑。)

3) The price is €40.(价格是40欧元。)

4) It's priced at ¥500.(它的价格是xx日元。)

5) This skirt is on sale for $20.(这条裙子特价20美元。)

3. 其他相关的表达方式:


1) The dress is too expensive for me.(这条裙子对我来说太贵了。)

2) Is there any discount for this skirt?(这条裙子有没有优惠?)

3) Can I get a better deal if I buy two?(如果我买两件会有更好的折扣吗?)

4) This dress is worth the price.(这条裙子物有所值。)

5) I don't think this outfit is worth the money.(我觉得这套装不值这个价钱。)

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