

1. 利用有趣的学习方式


2. 制定学习计划


3. 培养词汇学习的兴趣



1. She has a hard time remembering new English vocabulary, so I suggested that she try making flashcards with pictures to help her. (她很难记住新的英语单词,因此我建议她尝试制作带图片的抽认卡来帮助她。)

2. In order to encourage his students to learn more English words, the teacher organized a spelling bee competition in class. (为了鼓励学生学习更多的英语单词,老师在课堂上组织了一个拼字比赛。)

3. The little girl likes English songs very much, so her mother often plays English songs for her to help her learn new words. (小女孩非常喜欢英语歌曲,因此她的妈妈经常为她播放英语歌曲来帮助她学习新单词。)

4. He found it difficult to keep track of all the new vocabulary he was learning, so he started keeping a vocabulary notebook to help him. (他发现很难跟上他正在学习的所有新词汇,因此他开始保留一本词汇笔记本来帮助他。)

5. The teacher gave the students an assignment to read an English article and write down all the new words they didn't know, then look them up in the dictionary. (老师布置了一项任务,要求学生阅读一篇英语文章,并写下他们不知道的所有新单词,然后在词典中查找它们。)

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