
1. 表达时间的方式:

- Eight o'clock

- 8:00

- At eight

- Eight in the morning/evening

2. 表示用途的方式:

- Eight o'clock is a good time to start work.

- We have a meeting at 8:00.

- At eight, I usually have breakfast.

- Eight in the morning is too early to call.

3. 表示时间段的方式:

- It takes me about eight hours to finish this task.

- I work from eight to five every day.

- He slept for eight hours last night.

- She worked eight days in a row without a break.

4. 表示具体事件的方式:

- We will arrive at the airport at 8:00 to pick you up.

- The movie starts at eight, don't be late.

- We have a reservation for eight people at the restaurant.

- Eight people attended the meeting yesterday.


- 我们需要在早上8点前赶到机场。We need to arrive at the airport before eight in the morning.

- 我们今晚8点要去看电影。We are going to see a movie at eight tonight.

- 这个会议有八个人参加。There were eight people attending the meeting.

- 我需要连续工作8天。I need to work for eight days in a row.

- 我要在8点之前完成这个任务。I need to finish this task before eight o'clock.

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